We focus on the urban amenities of “neighborhood institutions,” which are the myriad localized governments and nonprofits, such as religious and educational institutions, that provide public or quasi-public services to their neighborhoods. We examine whether neighborhood institutions positively impact their surrounding neighborhoods by utilizing property tax exemption records from the City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, during 2002-2016. We combine these records with parcel-level data on residential home sales to identify each institution’s exact location and type. Using a traditional hedonic model and a repeat sales model, we examine the influence of nearby tax-exempt properties on residential home sales. We find from the repeat sales model that close proximity (0m-250m) to educational properties, labor halls, and utilities are associated with lower home sale prices, all else equal. We find a sporadic and limited positive correlation with nearby colleges and cemeteries and home sale prices.
author = {{Deborah A. Carroll} and {Christopher B. Goodman}},
title = {Neighborhood Institutions and Residential Home Sales:
Evaluating the Impact of Property Tax Exemptions},
journal = {The Journal of Real Estate Finance \& Economics},
volume = {64},
pages = {247 - 273},
date = {2022},
url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11146-020-09808-y},
doi = {10.1007/s11146-020-09808-y},
langid = {en}