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Christopher B. Goodman and Suzanne M. Leland. (Forthcoming) “What Lies Beneath These Creatures of the State: Understanding the Death of Specialised Governments in the U.S” Local Government Studies. doi:
Christopher B. Goodman and Deborah A. Carroll. (2024) “Are Special Districts Strategic Complements or Strategic Substitutes?” Public Administration Review 84 (4): 623-636, doi:
Christopher B. Goodman and Megan E. Hatch. (2024) “Why States Preempt City Ordinances: The Case of Workers’ Rights Laws” Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 54 (1): 121-145 doi:
Jahee Jong, Christopher B. Goodman, Aaron Deslatte, Jerry Crabtree and Kurt Thurmaier. (2023). “The Forgotten Governments: Exploring Midwestern Township Capacities and Functional Service Responsibilities,” State and Local Government Review 55 (2): 170-184, doi:
Christopher B. Goodman and Megan E. Hatch (2023). “State Preemption and Affordable Housing Policy,” Urban Studies, 60 (6): 1048-1065, doi:
Deborah A. Carroll and Christopher B. Goodman (2022). “Neighborhood Institutions and Residential Home Sales: Evaluating the Impact of Property Tax Exemptions,” The Journal of Real Estate Finance & Economics 64: 247-273, doi:
Christopher B. Goodman (2021). “Political Fragmentation & Economic Growth in U.S. Metropolitan Areas,” Journal of Urban Affairs 43 (9): 1355-1376, doi:
Christopher B. Goodman, Megan E. Hatch, and Bruce D. McDonald, III (2021). “State Preemption of Local Laws: Origins and Modern Trends,” Perspectives on Public Management & Governance 4 (2): 146-158, doi:
Bruce D. McDonald, III and Christopher B. Goodman (2021). “The Truth about Honesty in the Nonprofit Sector,” Public Administration Quarterly 45 (2): 188-210, doi:
Christopher B. Goodman, Suzanne M. Leland, and Olga Smirnova. (2021). “The Consequences of Specialized Governance on Spending and Expansion of Public Transit,” Local Government Studies 47 (2): 296-311, doi:
Bruce D. McDonald, III, Christopher B. Goodman, and Megan E. Hatch, (2020). “State Tensions in State-Local Intergovernmental Response to Emergencies: The Case of COVID-19,” State and Local Government Review 52 (3): 186-194, doi:
Christopher B. Goodman. (2019). "Local Government Fragmentation: What Do We Know?" State and Local Government Review 51 (2): 134-144, doi:
Christopher B. Goodman (2019) "The Fiscal Impacts of Urban Sprawl: Evidence from U.S. County Areas." Public Budgeting & Finance 39 (4): 3-27., doi:
Christopher B. Goodman and Suzanne M. Leland. (2019). “Do Cities and Counties Attempt to Circumvent Changes in Their Autonomy by Creating Special Districts?,” The American Review of Public Administration 49 (2): 203-217, doi:
Christopher B. Goodman (2018). “House Prices and Property Tax Revenues During the Boom and Bust: Evidence from Small-Area Estimates,” Growth & Change, 49 (4): 636-656, doi:
Christopher B. Goodman. (2018). “Jurisdictional Overlap & the Size of the Local Public Workforce,” State and Local Government Review, 50 (1): 15-23 doi:
Christopher B. Goodman (2018) "Usage of Specialized Service Delivery: Evidence from Contiguous Counties." Publius: The Journal of Federalism 48 (4): 686-708, doi:
Deborah A. Carroll and Christopher B. Goodman (2017) "Assessing the Influence of Property Tax Delinquency and Foreclosures on Residential Property Sales." Urban Affairs Review 53 (5): 898-923, doi:
Christopher B. Goodman. (2015). “Local Government Fragmentation and the Local Public Sector: A Panel Data Analysis" Public Finance Review 43 (1): 82-107, doi:
Christopher B. Goodman and Suzanne M. Leland. (2013). “Cost shocks and their relationship to the creation, consolidation and dissolution of US local governments,” Public Finance & Management 13 (2): 58-79
Deborah A. Carroll and Christopher B. Goodman (2011). “The Effects of Assessment Quality on Revenue Volatility,” Public Budgeting & Finance 31 (1): 76–94, doi:
Working Papers
Christopher B. Goodman. "Demand Shocks & Special Districts: Evidence from Chinese Import Shocks,” Working paper.
Christopher B. Goodman and Suzanne M. Leland. "Creative Destruction? Examining Special District Dissolution by Service Area."
Christopher B. Goodman. "Overlapping Jurisdictions and Residential Segregation by Race”
Christopher B. Goodman. “Patterns in Special District Creation and Dissolution”
Book Chapters
Christopher B. Goodman. (2023). "The Role of Special Districts and Intergovernmental Constraints." In Research Handbook on City and Municipal Finance, edited by Craig L. Johnson, Temirlan T. Moldogaziev, and Justin M. Ross. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Deborah A. Carroll and Christopher B. Goodman. (2012). "Understanding and Measuring Elasticity, Volatility, and Implications for Local Government Fiscal Health." In Handbook of Local Government Fiscal Health, edited by Jonathan B. Justice, Helisse Levine, and Eric Scorsone. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett, Inc.